2024 International Council Nominations and Elections

Elections will be held for two Acacia International Council offices at this year’s Conclave, July 31-August 3, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona:

  • First Vice-President

  • Second Vice-President

  • Undergraduate Counselor (2 positions)

The deadline for nominations is July 2, 2024

Modified Procedure 

The procedure for this year’s nominations is somewhat different than in the past. In past years, candidates for International Council office have been nominated during Conclave and elected on the final day. This year, nominations will be accepted in advance of the Conclave so that delegates have more time to consider the candidates. The Conclave also will feature a Meet the Candidates session that is open to all delegates and attendees. This revised procedure has been adopted by the International Council to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of the nominations and election. 


Staggered Terms

There is no change in the terms and rotation of officer elections which are specified in the Laws of Acacia. The term for all elected officers is four years. Officers are limited to two consecutive terms, except a newly elected President may have served two previous consecutive terms as an officer.

The International Council officers are elected in two groups at alternate Conclaves. The President, the Treasurer and the International Counselor were elected at the 2022 Conclave. This year the election will be for the First Vice-President and the Second Vice-President. 

Undergraduate representatives to the International Council are also able to be nominated in advance of Conclave. Two Undergraduate Counselors are elected at each Conclave to serve a two-year term on the International Council.


Qualifications and Duties

Any member of Acacia Fraternity may seek nomination and election to the International Council. 

The duties of the three offices to be elected this year, as described in the Laws of Acacia, are:

  • “The International First Vice-President shall have the powers and duties of the International President during the temporary absence or disability of the International President.  He shall have such other powers and duties as usually pertain to the office of Vice-President and as delegated and assigned by the International President.”

  • “The International Second Vice-President shall have the powers and duties of the International President during the temporary absence or disability of the International President and the International First Vice-President.  He shall have such other powers and duties as usually pertain to the office of Vice-President and as delegated and assigned by the International President.”

  • “The Undergraduate Counselors shall represent the undergraduate members on the Council. The Undergraduate Counselors shall have such other powers and duties as delegated and assigned by the International President.”

The International Council generally meets monthly via video conference, and quarterly face to face.


Incumbents Seeking Re-Election

Two brothers currently serving as First Vice-President and Second Vice-President are both completing a four-year term and are eligible for re-election.  Both have announced that they wish to seek re-election:

  •  Michael A. Pastko, Purdue ’04, First Vice-President

  •  Alan B. Scher, Wisconsin ’96, Second Vice-President


Application Procedure

Four steps are required of candidates for nomination:

  1. Prepare a brief biography or resume of not more than one page (PDF or Word document). If the document provided is more than one page, only the first page will be provided to delegates.

  2. Compose a statement of your qualifications for the position you are seeking and your vision for the fraternity – no more than 3,000 characters which is approximately one (1) page of text.

  3. Provide the names and contact information for two Acacia brothers who are willing to serve as nomination references. 

  4. Submit the above information via our online Typeform.

Your nomination materials (the biography, statement and references) will be forwarded to the Conclave delegates about two weeks prior to their arrival in Phoenix. 

You will be encouraged to participate in a Meet the Candidates forum at Conclave, July 31-August 3, in Phoenix. Your attendance at Conclave is not required but is highly recommended and advantageous to your candidacy. 

Nomination Deadline

The deadline for submitting nominations is Tuesday, July 2, 2024. 

There will be an opportunity for delegates to submit nominations “from the floor” at the Conclave.  Candidate statements and biographies will still be required.  It will be to your advantage for delegates to have your nomination materials in hand in advance.

Election and Installation

The Conclave delegates, two from each Active chapter, will vote electronically during Conclave to elect the new officers.  Installation will be at the concluding banquet on August 3, 2024. 

Questions about nomination and election procedures can be sent to nominations@acacia.org.