Giving Programs

Whether you wish to support a specific Acacia program, chapter fund, or scholarship fund - there are numerous ways your gift can have a meaningful impact in the lives of Acacia undergraduates.


International Programs

Your gifts to the Foundation through the Annual Fund support the following programs: Acacia professional staff and chapter visitations, Conclave, Acacia Leadership Academy, the Venerable Dean Summit, and general (non-chapter) scholarships. We also welcome gifts targeted to specific programs and initiatives.

Donate to the Annual Fund or International programs. →


Chapter Funds

The Foundation has established a general-purpose account for each Acacia chapter and colony. Contributions to the Foundation account are tax-deductible and can be used to support the some of the following activities: chapters scholarships, leadership and other chapter achievement programs, funding for local educational seminars, and supporting member attendance at Conclave and ALA. The Chapter Advisor authorizes the spending of Foundation chapter funds.

Donate to a Chapter Fund. →



Planned Giving

There are many creative ways to give that have a tremendous impact on Acacia that also have  benefits to the donor. You might find that silver lining in a planned gift. There are many ways to give, and many ways to structure a gift to meet both your specific philanthropic and financial goals.


Most Popular: Bequest - Just takes a simple designation in your will or trust and costs nothing during lifetime. They are easy and revocable if situation changes.
Living Trust - Avoids probate. Just name the charity as a beneficiary.

Increase Your Cash Flow: Gift Annuity - A simple agreement that can increase your cash flow from a gift that provides guaranteed fixed payments for life. Lifetime annuity payments, based on age may be two or three times higher than your cash return on low-earning securities or CDs.

Least Expensive Source of Cash: Life Insurance - Donate policy and deduct future premium payments, or just name the charity as policy beneficiary. Individuals typically pay less than $1 for $1 of coverage.

Most Popular with Advisors: Charitable Remainder Trust - Great tool for selling assets tax-free and receiving income for life; the remaining assets go to charity. It provides steady cash flow and can be more beneficial than keeping an asset or selling it outright.

Most Expensive for Kids: Retirement Assets - Retirement funds paid to your kids at your passing can get hit with income and estate taxes, but are tax-free to charity. Funds left to children may be hit with income and estate tax of 70% or more.

Greatly Reduce Estate Tax: Charitable Lead Trust - You greatly reduce or avoid estate tax on trust assets passing to family... if some trust income goes to charity for a few years. Trust provides generous estate and gift tax deductions for wealth transferred to family at a more mature age.

Most Possibilities: Family Business Stock - When the time comes to transfer or sell the business, there are tax and practical reasons for including a charity in the plan. Tax advisors can be very creative.

Deduct Now and Transfer Later: Donor Advised Fund - Works like a 'charitable bank account' - claim deduction now and decide later when charity will receive the funds. You can retain control and family influence over charitable dollars.

Big Potential with Leaders "Lifetime Bequest" (Gift Now + Estate Pledge) - Secures a current gift and increases potential for an even larger estate gift. A long-term pledge binding your estate can leverage donor recognition for these linked gifts.

In-Kind Rather than Cash Real Estate - Great for making a gift and also transferring the burden of managing the property. It won't reduce your disposable funds.

  • Bargain Sale - You can sell your property at a discount, deduct the difference, and receive a lump sum or installment payments. It won't reduce your disposable funds.

  • Life Estate Deed - You can deed your home or farm property to charity, save taxes with a current deduction, and still use the property for the rest of your life. It won't reduce your disposable funds.

  • Art and Other Assets - Gift allows others to appreciate your special holdings. It won't reduce your disposable funds.


For more information on planned giving:

Contact AFF Executive Director Darold Larson at (317) 872-8210 or