The Acacia Growth System

Acacia chapters will actively seek out and attract quality members who fit their organization and make it better.
They do not rely solely on the University or IFC to bring people to choose from during formal recruitment.


Why Use the Acacia Growth System?

The Acacia Growth System (AGS) incorporates best practices in recruitment strategy and provides resources to chapters that allow them to get their best results consistently year after year. The core of the program is centered around creating a consistent, data-driven process for chapters and members to follow using industry-leading recruitment tactics and resources provided by the national organization in partnership with Phired Up.

Chapters utilizing the AGS will actively seek out the best men with using a Values-Based Selection Process to join their chapters and have more consistent and repeatable recruitment results year after year. The AGS also enables the HQ and Phired Up staff to do early intervention when chapters hit difficulties by utilizing the data available.


Chapters using the AGS will actively use the following resources:


Growth Training

Have all members complete the Phired Up! Certification program.

Growth Technology

Commit to using ChapterBuilder as their means of tracking recruitment progress.

Coaching and Support

Participate in the Discord Recruitment Coaching Community and any other training provided by Phired Up!

Marketing Strategy

Market consistently within the Brand Standards of the Fraternity, using resources provided by HQ.

Best Practices in utilizing the Acacia Growth System:

  1. Every New Member should complete the Certification during their pledge semester

    • Utilize at least one new member meeting to discuss ideas learned from the training and develop a plan for them to continue to recruit more members that term

  2. Chapters should have at minimum 80% adoption in both the certification and Chapter Builder

  3. During the primary Recruitment time for the campus, there should be daily updates being made in Chapter Builder

  4. All members should set up a Chapter Builder Account once they are certified and be trained on how to use it

  5. The Recruitment Chairman must be a Chapter Builder Admin

  6. The Recruitment Chairman should designate a team of members who will link the provided phone accounts to their profile in order to communicate with PNMs from the system

  7. The Recruitment Chair will be trained on how to use chapter builder effectively by participating in a live training hosted by Phired Up

    • Trainings typically occur every Tuesday and Friday

    • Book a training by following this link.

Chapter Coaches and Advisors may support the growth system by doing the following:

  1. Complete ChapterBuilder Training with Phired Up

    • You will be added to your chapter’s account as an Admin upon completion

  2. Complete the Phired Up Certified Recruiter Training

  3. Join the Recruitment Coaching Community on Slack

  4. Work with the chapter to set a tangible recruitment goal each term that allows them at minimum to maintain their current size

    • Assess how many members they anticipate losing in the next 12 months, their goal should be at minimum 10-20% higher than that to account for unknowns

    • Focus on Values-Based selection, Ask them how they ensure members actively seek out men who will better the chapter, and not just chase numbers?

  5. Follow up with the chapter regularly on their progress and help troubleshoot any issues

    • Schedule weekly check-ins to learn what is happening and what they are struggling with

    • Ensure that there are action items to follow up on after each meeting

  6. Assist chapter in outreach to staff as appropriate