Study indicates positive impact of fraternity life

Earlier this month the results of a joint research effort by Gallup, Inc., Purdue University, and the Lumina Foundation highlighted the relationship between the college experience and the life outcomes of graduates. The initial Gallup-Purdue Index measured workplace engagement and overall well-being of more than 30,000 U.S. college graduates and revealed that graduates who joined fraternities and sororities outperform their non-Greek peers in both areas. Additionally, to a greater extent than non-members, fraternity and sorority members tended to strongly benefit from emotional support and experiential and deep learning, and they are more likely to be thriving later in life. READ THE REPORT - National Gallup-Purdue Index Reveals Improved Well-Being Among U.S. College Graduates Who Joined Fraternities and Sororities.

This research helps validate what we in the Greek community have advocated for years and should only enhance our recruiting of new members and bolster our reputation in the higher education and professional worlds. The North-American Interfraternity Conference and the National Panhellenic Conference also contributed to Gallup’s efforts.