Ohio Chapter 5Cacia Philanthropy April 2011


April 16th, 2011 is the 3rd annual 5Cacia - 5K for Pancreatic Cancer Research, an event our chapter been working on for 3 years now and one which we are very proud to present. There's a 95% mortality rate for the first year of diagnosis for all pancreatic cancer patients, yet it is still one of the least funded types of cancer. Our goals for our event this year are to raise more awareness, to have over 500 participants, and to raise at least $20,000.00; with this being said, we need your help! If you could pass along this message to friends and family so that they too can hopefully join in and support our efforts we would greatly appreciate it. We have a long way to go to reach our goals, so we need as much as help as possible!

To Register, Donate, or for more information about our event, feel free to check out our website - www.5Cacia.com
For more information about where we donate to (The Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research) or about Pancreatic Cancer visit -www.Lustgarten.org
Thank you in advance for any help and support you can offer, I appreciate it so much!
The Acacia Chapter of Ohio University