ACACIAconnect Overview

During the 2011 Acacia Leadership Academy, one of the featured presenters was Joe McMenamon, Director of Business Operations for ChapterSpot, which is an innovative company we’ve been working with during 2011.

Joe demonstrated a new resource created in conjunction with Acacia Headquarters, called ACACIAconnect.

ACACIAconnect offers two main resources to our chapters. First, an intern

al, chapter management & communications network. Second, an easy-to-update public chapter website.

Chapter Management & Communications Network

Included as part of the service, our chapter members have the following abilities via ACACIAconnect:

  • personal dashboard upon login
  • Facebook app (members can utilize ACACIAconnect without leaving Facebook)
  • member database with multiple statuses (Active, Pledge, Alumni, Parents, etc.)
  • send mass text messages (to chapter, recruitment prospects, alumni, etc.)
  • utilize mulitple email listserve accounts
  • event calendar
  • sign-up-lists (i.e. intramural teams, t-shirts, formal dance, etc.)
  • setup groups (i.e. Exec, Recruitment Team, ACACIA Claus committee, Engineering Majors, etc.)
  • create forums
  • surveys & polls
  • Recruitment database function
  • track & record Human Service hours
  • individual MyCornerstones account to participate in Cornerstones
  • create reports
  • dues processing ability (separate from the basic offering of ACACIAconnect, chapters may utilize if they decide to *see paragraph below)
    • accept donations via Merchant Account
    • sell merchandise
    • collect dues from members
  • See the website for further explanation of communications features

Public Chapter Website

Included as part of the service, our chapter members have the following abilities via ACACIAconnect:

Helpful Links:

Acacia YouTube video: Service Hours function:

Acacia YouTube video: Cornerstones function:

About ChapterSpot:

ChapterSpot support webpage:

Email ChapterSpot support :

ChapterSpot Communications Features:

ChapterSpot Website Features:

Chapter Utilization

Many of our chapters have begun using ACACIAconnect to make chapter management easier in many ways. There are some chapters that have not yet utilized this resource. If you are in a chapter that has not started using ACACIAconnect - email Patrick McGovern at .